Contact us
Find who to contact at Pension Corporation when you have questions. Remember to reference your organization ID when you contact us.
Employer Operations
- Employees’ personal and employment records
- Contribution rates
- New member enrolment
- General billing and payments
- Pension adjustments
- Contribution remittance
- Service and salary
- Members' long-term disability starts and stops
- Employee information at termination/retirement
- Web Services
Connect with Employer Operations
Toll-free: 1-855-356-9701 (Canada/U.S.)
Fax: 250-356-1784
Member inquiries
- Amended employee termination/retirement
- Death of an employee
- Disability benefits
- Options for members at termination of employment or retirement
- Separation and divorce
- Service purchase applications and calculations
- Shortened life expectancy
- Retired members
Connect with Member Services
College Pension Plan
Municipal Pension Plan
Public Service Pension Plan
Teachers' Pension Plan
WorkSafe BC Pension Plan
Office hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Mailing Address
BC Pension Corporation
WorkSafeBC Pension Plan
P.O. Box 9460
Victoria, BC V8W 9V8
- Pension plan enrolment
- Employer participation in the plan
- Long-term disability policy approval for pension purposes
Connect with Policy
Employer enrolment enquiries
Updates to long-term disability policy